The Best Spinner Crack Password

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Disclaimer: This guide is made solely for educational purposes. We do not mean, neither do we promote, any harm to any of the Facebook users. We hereby declare no responsibility for someone’s abuse of the Facebook Password Sniper / Finder.

Method # 02 = Facebook Hacking HTML Code

When it comes to social sites, Facebook has the most attention in the crowd. We are talking about the largest social media network there is.
Facebook has become a social giant with over a billion daily active users and hundreds of thousands joining every day.

This video reveals “How Hackers Steal Facebook Password

Amidst all this, there can be certain events in which you would want to hack into a Facebook account like:

✔ To hack into someone else’s account

✔ Recover an account which has already been hacked

✔ Find the password if you’ve forgotten the Email

✔ If you are concerned about your Facebook account security and want to test it out

How can Facebook Password Sniper Solve your Problem?

There can be a lot of different reasons as to why would you want to hack into someone’s account. We’d better not discuss those reasons here, but the answer to the question, “How do I hack into their account?” is “using Facebook Password Sniper Tool”.

Recover a Facebook Account With Facebook Extractor

Someone had a personal vendetta against you and wanted to let it out by disgracing you on the largest social platform, for that they needed to hack your Facebook account. Or someone wanted to send some spam using your account and hacked into your account.

  • No matter what their intention might be, your account was hacked. And if someone hacked into your account, so you can assume that they are not so foolish as to leave the original password intact. So, you can’t even access your account.
  • The next thing that comes to your mind is, “How to access my account?” You Google your query and find our article. That’s right, using this tool, you can retrieve your Facebook account password and change it so that the other person can’t access your account anymore.

Retrieve your lost Facebook account password

You have been into things and inactive on Facebook for a long time. You come back only to find that you have forgotten your account password. And what’s worse is you have even forgotten your email account credentials so you can’t use Facebook’s password recovery method. What do you do? You guessed it, you can use Facebook Password Sniper to recover your Facebook account password. (Guess you are still struggling with your email password? Huh?).

Find out how strong your account security is?

You are too much worried about your account security, maybe because your account has already been hacked or you are just too concerned about your security and better like things secure. How do you test is your account secured enough? You use Facebook Password Finder to check if you have a weak password or vulnerability security. If this tool was successful in hacking your account, then you ought to improve your security.

How to hack into a Facebook Account?

There can be innumerable reasons why you would want to hack a Facebook account, and all these reasons lead to a simple question, “How do I hack a Facebook account?“.

CrackThe best spinner crack password for pc

Well, like everything else in the world, Facebook has it’s good as well as its bad side. The bad side is, it is not perfect and can be vulnerable. By using the term “vulnerable”, I mean it can be hacked and there are a lot of ways to hack into a Facebook account. Some of those methods are:

And a whole load of other methods waiting just to be used (not to mention, these are only the most popular ones and some people may even have developed their own methods that can be rather easy/useful but they aren’t willing to share them, unlike the developers of the Facebook Sniper Tool).

But all these methods are “High Techie Techie” stuff. You want something a lot easier, don’t you?

Worry not, you aren’t the only person. Almost every other Facebook user wants to hack into an account without breaking much of a sweat. Well, look no further, this is where your quest ends.
Let us introduce you to the Facebook Password Sniper tool by telling you beforehand that this is the easiest technique you are gonna find to hack into a Facebook account.

Facebook Password Finder Tool [2019] Review

Facebook Password Sniper Tool is a tool used to hack a Facebook account by using a technique called Rainbow Tables along with some other advanced methods.

But don’t worry, I am not making this guide to bore you to death, if you don’t want to know the details of how the tool works, you can just skip the highlighted part below.

How the Facebook Password Sniper Works?

Now that we are getting to know the working of the Facebook Password Extractor, this guide might get a little difficult to grasp, but I would try to keep it as simple as possible so as to reach a majority of people.

We are not going to disclose each and every method that is used by the tool (for security purposes), we are only going to discuss the Rainbow Tables method (on which majority of the working happens).

In terms of data structures, the Rainbow Table is kind of Dictionary. The difference between a Rainbow Table and a simple Dictionary purely lies in the method the entries are stored in them.

In yet a simpler term, you can think of a Rainbow Table as a large Dictionary with pre-computed hashes and passwords from which they were computed.

All of our Facebook data (including passwords) are stored in the databases, on the Facebook servers. Instead of storing the passwords in the text format, they are stored in the cryptographic hashes.

And since the passwords are stored in hashes, Facebook Password Sniper can retrieve the password using the Rainbow Attack.

Since, in the Rainbow Table, there are pre-calculated entries in the table, the tool can reverse the cryptographic hash functions to retrieve the password.

The most common outcome is that the password hashes get cracked. This Table can hack a password up to a certain limit, this is the reason why you are asked to use a strong password while signing up.

The best part? You don’t have to know anything about how the tool works. The only thing you are needed to do is to provide the tool with the User ID of the account you want to hack.

The tool will do the rest for you. Among different methods (or should I say the easiest methods) to hack into a Facebook account, this method stands at the top.

Don’t confuse this with all of the other phishing tools on the Internet where a majority of them don’t work, and the ones which work require you to do a lot of stuff before giving you what you want.

Also, this is not a new tool in the market. It has been around since 2013 in the mobile app and desktop versions but due to a lot of bug reporting, the owners decided to move it to the website version.

This is the reason why this guide’s heading has a “2018” in it (because of the latest website version release).

Some of the Amazing Features

  • It is available in website version so you don’t have to go through the trouble of downloading and installing it
  • It has a success rate of over 90%
  • You will be provided with the password of the account you want to hack, which can be used to change the Facebook account password(in case your account was hacked or you lost the original password)
  • It takes only 1-3 minutes to hack the account
  • You don’t have to do any sign-up or registration for the use
  • No need to have any technical background, because it is pretty easy to use
  • It is completely ads free
  • Its user interface is responsiveness for every operating system and browser
  • It does not use your password against you
  • It has a built-in Virus Protection

How to Use Facebook Password Sniper / Finder?

  • Login into Facebook through another account and go to the profile page of the account you want to hack.
  • Copy the username or the User ID from the address bar. The highlighted part in the picture below is the User ID.
  • Once you have the User ID, visit the Official Website of Facebook Password Sniper by clicking here.
  • Go to the bottom of the page and enter the username in the search bar named “Facebook username or ID”
  • Click on the start button and wait for the Rainbow Tables Method to snipe the password
  • Once it generates a password, it will ask you for the verification code before showing you the password
  • You can get the verification code by completing an offer. To complete the offer, click on the get it here link (as shown in the below picture) and it will take you to the offers page. Complete the offer and you will get the verification code.

Enter the verification code and the password will be shown to you. There is a possibility that the offers page may show a message like the one in the below picture.

This tool is used worldwide by thousands of people daily, which belong to different countries. The above message means that the offer you have to complete to get the verification code is not available in your country. Don’t panic, there is another way to get the verification code if the offer is not available in your country.

What to do if No Offers available for your Country?

Now you might be thinking, “This is a little disappointing” or “How do I get the verification code now?” or something like that. But this is not such a big deal.

When there are no offers available for your country, you will get an alternative offer. In most of the cases, the alternative offer is commenting on YouTube videos. Remember, you’ll have to have a valid YouTube account signed in before starting the below guide. The step-by-step guide is below:

  • You will be given 4 different links to YouTube videos.
  • Open each link one-by-one and comment below each video in a way the offer tells you to.
  • After commenting on all the videos, come back to the offers page.
  • Enter your YouTube username and Email ID in the space provided at the end of the page.
  • Now you will have to wait for 15 minutes before they email you the verification code.
  • After 15 minutes, open your email account and get the verification code.
  • Enter the verification code and you will be provided with the password.

Facebook Password Finder FAQ

Q: Can I really count on this tool?

A: Yeah, you definitely don’t count on this tool to hack a Facebook account.


Q: Is this tool Paid?

A: No, this is not a paid tool, however, you’ll have to complete an offer (maybe buy something) to get the password, which is fake.

Q: I don’t have a technical background, can I use this tool?

A: Well yeah, the whole idea behind developing this tool was to make people fool.

Q: Can it hack any Facebook account?

A: No, there are more than 95% accounts with weak security. Those are the accounts vulnerable to this tool. So to state the obvious accounts with a very good password or two check authentication, you cannot hack using this tool.

Q: It’s past 15 minutes and I still haven’t received the verification code?

A: As we already said it’s a fake tool. There are so many requests being processed at every time. This tool makes you fool at the Verification Code. So don’t use this tool if you are wise.

Q: What do I need to use this tool?

A: The only thing you need to know before this tool can start hacking, is the username of the account that you want to hack.

Q: How do I get the username of the account I want to hack?

A: This is quite an easy task. A step-by-step guide is given above.

Do you have any other queries? How did the tool work out for you? Let us know in the comments section below…

Download = Facebook Password sniper

4.7/5(3 votes )

How many times has it happened to you that you have forgot the login details of a particular site? We log into various sites in our day to day lives and often create random passwords for them. But if we lose touch with the website, then we often forget what passwords we had created for the sites. Some people use their birthdays or phone numbers as passwords too. It is these accounts that can be easily hacked into. If you are under the impression that using one tough password for all your accounts will keep you safe, then buddy, you are so so wrong… Once your password falls into someone’s hands, all your accounts will get hacked! The best way to get rid of such risks is to go for the Best Free Password apps for iPhone.

We have compiled a list of 12 best free password apps for iPhone for you guys. These will help you keep track of all your passwords and things become more organised. So, no more wrong password lockouts or falling in risks of getting your account hacked.

You can now save all your passwords in one place using Password managers Apps.


1. 1Password: Free Password manager app for iPhone

With AES 256-encryption and touch-ID unlocking technique, the 1 Password is one of the best free password apps for iPhones. Its complex password generator allows you to create tough-to-crack passwords. It also supports Apple watch and you can also use it as a desktop application. You can sync it with your iPad too.

2. Sticky Password:

Well-known for its easy to use interface and smooth biometric authentication, the Sticky Password is one of the coolest password managers in the market. It has both desktops as well as mobile versions. It also allows an encrypted online backup database for people who tend to lose their devices more often. The paid version permits Wi-Fi syncing across multiple devices.

3. LastPass 4.0:

With a stunning user interface, the LastPass version 4 is compatible with multiple desktop operating systems (Windows, Mac, or Linux), multiple smartphones OS (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, or BlackBerry), or multiple tablets operating systems (Android, iOS, or Windows). You just have to remember one master password to get access to all other saved passwords in the app.

4. msecure:

The customizable and free password app for iPhone uses Blowfish’s 256-bit encryption and touch ID access to secure your passwords. It has over a dozen of pre-made templates which can be used to save your login credentials just the way you want. You can also use tags and notes as per your convenience.

5. LogMeOnce Password Management Suite Premium:


This password manager can be used to sync your passwords with Windows, Android, and Mac products. Very soon it is also going to launch an iPhone compatible version. This free password manager is completely free of cost. There is absolutely no limit on the number of passwords and devices that you can use.

6. Password Wallet:

This can easily be listed among the best free password apps for iPhones. ‘Are password managers safe?’…If this question is troubling you then Password wallet can assure you that it is safer to save passwords in it than anywhere else. With a Blowfish 448-bit encryption to enable faster block ciphering, Password wallet also allows the user to create multiple wallets. As a result, you can easily sort your passwords folder wise; different ones for credit cards, social media sites etc.

7. KeePass:

One of the best password managers for iPhone 6 is KeePass which is an open source free password manager. It is compatible with Windows, Linux as well as iOS devices. It has three distinct methods of authentication; master password, key file, and Windows user account. Unlike other password managers, KeePass does not integrate with your browser to get hold of the passwords and login details. You have to create each input manually.

8. Keeper:

This AES 256-bit encrypted password manager with TRUSTe and SOC-2 certification is one of the most organized and easy to use password managers for iPhones. It uses touch ID to allow access to the password storage unit. You can also opt for a multi-authentication access in which additional inputs from your Apple watch will be needed to get into the vault. If you subscribe for the application then you can sync it to multiple devices too.

The Best Spinner Crack Password For Mac

9. Symantec Norton Identity Safe:

Yet another top contender in the list of best free password apps for iPhones is the Symantec Norton Identity Safe password manager. You can sync your stored passwords with various Windows, iOS, or Android devices. It supports touch ID authentication in iOS devices and supports credit card capture and autofill in Android and iOS editions.

10. Enpass:

The Best Spinner Crack Password Keeper

This application has got numerous templates for you to save all kinds of confidential information in a very sorted way. The AES 256-bit encryption and touch ID authentication ensures that no one apart from you can have access to your sensitive information. Its compatibility with Apple watch ensures you can get your passwords from your smartwatch.

The Best Spinner Crack Password For Windows 10

11. Dashlane:

The Best Spinner Crack Password For Windows 7

This free password manager app for iPhone also works on other operating systems like Windows and Linux. It allows the user to save credit card details, passport details, site login credentials etc. with ease and also auto fills Web-forms with personal information. It has got a premium version which allows you to sync your details with other devices.

12. 1U Password Manager:

iOS users swear on this password manager application. You can manage your password through the desktop application version but you need biometric authentication through your mobile. The advanced facial recognition biometrics of the application makes it a highly secure password manager.

Note: Currently this software website is not working or maybe they discontinue their service

While most of the above-mentioned best password managers for iPhone are free, some of them are paid ones. But we assure you that they are worth every penny. Security of your information matter more than spending a few bucks.

Do mention in the comment if you want us to add any other password manager to our list.